GETTING TO THE HEART OF ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Parham Enterprises approaches organizations as a comprehensive system. We help you identify strengths in each function and capitalize on their contributions to the total system. We collect data at your work site, quickly analyze it, and propose a partnership plan to tap the unrealized potential of individuals, groups and functions. We focus on coaching and facilitating your workforce towards greater organizational clarity, commitment and concerted action. CLARITY: TRADE INTERNAL POLITICS FOR PRODUCTIVITY Flourishing in chaos
rests on your ability to see clearly and navigate through political and
hidden agendas. Clear strategic imperatives attained while adhering to
core values enhance morale and efficiency. Parham Enterprises will:
Clarity and focus will help you keep productivity high in the midst of change. COMMITMENT: RELINQUISH THE NEED TO CONTROL OTHERS AND GAIN THEIR RESPECT, LOYALTY AND CREATIVITY If you want all stakeholders
to give their best efforts to increasing sales and moving the organization
forward, Parham Enterprises partners with you to:
Empowered employees make a greater commitment to better business results. CONCERTED ACTION: SACRIFICE INDIVIDUAL STARDOM FOR STELLAR TEAM ACHIEVEMENTS Are your teams spending
too much time in ineffective meetings, falling short of goals or missing
deadlines? If so, Parham Enterprises helps:
Organizations driven by concerted action produce results that sustain and improve profits.
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drparham@parhament.com | |||||||||||
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