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Publications And Presentations Parham, P. A. and Spoth, J. (1999) "Flee, Fight or Fix: Managing Interpersonal Conflict," Reading Book for Human Relations Training (8th ed), NTL Institute, pp. 155-162. Muller, H.J. and Parham, P.A. (1998) "Integrating Workforce Diversity into the Business School Curriculum" Journal of Management Education, Vol 22 (2), April, pp. 122-148. Parham, P.A. and Muller, H. (1996), "Developing a Diversity-Organizational Behavior Teaching Model in a Multicultural State," Journal of the International Academy of Case Studies, vol. 2 (2), pp.159-164. Parham, P.A., "Leading with Soul," invited speech to the Washington, D.C. chapter, UNM Alumni Association, May, 1996. Parham, P.A. and Muller, H. (1995), "Developing a Diversity-Organizational Behavior Model in a Multicultural State," Proceedings of the International for Academy for Case Studies, Vol. 2, Fall, pp. 41-45. Parham, P.A., "Diversity? Diversity…, Diversity!" presentation to BDM Federal Inc., Albuquerque, NM, 1996. Parham, P.A., "Stepping Into Your Power," keynote address at African American Women: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM 1996. Parham, P.A., "Diversity, Affirmative Action and EEO: In which direction should we go?" keynote address at the 2nd Annual Breakfast for Human Resource Directors, Anderson School and Graduate School of Management, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, November 1995. Parham, P.A., "Thirty Years Later, Still Marching in Corporate America," keynote address at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, February, 1994. Parham, P.A., "Infusing Family-Centered Concepts into Agency Administration," speech to Annual Conference of the Association for the Care of Children's Health (ACCH), Chicago, IL, May, 1993. Parham, Patricia and Culpepper, Maribeth, "Challenge of the Nineties: Creating a Family-Centered Agency", presentation at the Annual Conference for the Division of Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children, Washington, D.C., December, 1992. Luera, Margarita and Parham, Patricia, "Understanding Family Uniqueness through Cultural Diversity," presentation at the Conference for the Council for Exceptional Children, Division for Early Childhood, Washington, D.C., December, 1992. Parham, P.A., "Operating a Home-Based Business," panelist, Second Annual Home-Based Business Conference, Young Women's Christian Association, Albuquerque, NM, October, 1991. Parham, P.A., "Working in a Win-Win Way," presentation to American Business Women's Association, Albuquerque Chapter, April, 1990. Parham, P.A., What Works for Dislocated Workers, Washington, D.C.: Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, December, 1989. Parham, P.A., "Self-Development Processes in Career Development," panelist at the National MBA Association, Washington, D.C. Chapter, April, 1989. Parham, P.A., Conference Report: Second Annual Conference of the Urban Education Technology Forum. Washington, D.C.: The Council of the Great City Schools, 1987. Parham, P.A., Integrating Findings from Crime and Arson Prevention Program Evaluations. New York, NY: The Ford Foundation, 1986. Radtke, P., Cronin, R., and Parham, P.A., Neighborhood AIMS: A Handbook for Creating an Anti-Arson Project. Washington, D.C.: American Institutes for Research (AIR), 1986. Schubert, J., Wolman, J., and Parham, P. SISCOM: Co-Learning and Computers. Palo Alto, CA: AIR, 1985. Cronin, R., et al., Evaluation of the Youth Advocacy Program: Final Report. Washington, D.C.: AIR, 1983. Parham, P.A. and Gregory, L. Evaluation of the School-to-Work Action Program: Philadelphia Academic Center. Washington, D.C.: AIR, 1983. Rouse, W.V., Dayton, C., Parham, P., et al. The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation School-to-Work Action Program: Status Report, Washington, D.C.: AIR, 1982. Parham, P.A. Social
Support from Home: Moderator of Job-Related Stress for Managers, poster
session at the annual convention of the American Psychological
Association, Washington, D.C. 1982. Murray, S., Murray, C., and Parham., P., et al. National Evaluation of the PUSH for Excellence Project: Technical Report 3: The Program, the School and the Students. Washington, D.C.: AIR, 1981. Rouse, W.V. and Parham, P.A. Technical Assistance Activities for the School-to-Work Action Demonstration Project: Progress Report 1. Washington, D.C.: AIR, 1981. Wheeler, J.D. and Parham, P.A. Evaluablity Assessment of the Graduate Professional Opportunities Program. Palo Alto, CA: AIR, 1981. Parham, P.A. Variables Contributing to the Occupational Rewards of Middle Management Personnel. Doctoral dissertation, Austin, Texas: University of Texas, 1980. Parham, P.A.
"Adjusting to Success and Failure: Behavioral Problems of the Manager,:
American Society for Public Administration Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, April,
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